@encounter Luke Street


I enjoy working on GameCube & Wii game reverse engineering projects, with a focus on tooling.




A GameCube & Wii decompilation toolkit.

decomp-toolkit provides useful utilities for developers and functions as a core part of a decompilation project’s build system. It provides advanced analysis and other features that simplify GC/Wii decompilation.

For new projects, dtk-template provides a project structure and build system utilizing decomp-toolkit under the hood.


A local diffing tool for decompilation projects. Inspired by decomp.me and asm-differ.

objdiff is designed to provide a high-level view of the entire project and fast iteration while matching.

Symbol Screenshot Diff Screenshot


A source-level GameCube & Wii compatibility layer intended for use with decompilation projects.

Aurora reimplements the GX API, translating the calls to native graphics backends like Vulkan, Metal, D3D12, and WebGPU.


(Project website)

A native reimplementation of the Metroid Prime engine.

Metaforce (formerly URDE) started as a passion project reimplementing parts of the Metroid Prime engine, and eventually transformed into a nearly-complete non-matching decompilation.

Currently on hiatus as the matching decompilation of Metroid Prime (see below) progresses.


Metroid Prime

Code Progress

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

DOL Progress RELs Progress

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

DOL Progress RELs Progress